
Sunday, July 3, 2011

4th of July - Braids, Ribbons, and Tails, Oh My!

So I figured since my hair is also somewhat creative I can put that up here too! :-P (I am just looking for anything to do with my time lately) I wont be as cool as some hairstyling blogs because I refuse to do videos. But I will try my best at step by step photos.

I didn't think of this until after I had done my hair this morning so no photos of the process but here is the final product.

Yes, I know my ribbon pattern isn't that good but for threading it in the mirror myself, I think it's pretty decent.

So the instructions for this are pretty simple. I parted my hair on my left side.

Then I parted the hair on the right side straight around my head and clipped the rest back. I braided that section and pinned it temporarily. I made another part a little farther back and then braided that section and repeated it one last time for the last section so that I ended up with three braids going around my head.
You can kind of see the three braids in the first picture. And in this picture ^ you can see the front two.
To finish the hair part I just gathered all of my hair to the side and put an elastic in.
For the ribbons I pinned one into each braid and then just wove them each through where ever there was room. ( I tried to make it go red, white, then blue but I didn't always have the right spacing and my ribbons were out of order.)
To finish the ribbons I tucked them through the elastic for the red and white and for the blue (which was much longer) I wrapped it around the elastic twice before putting it through. Looking back I should have brought them to the front of the ponytail so there would be more color on the front but oh well, you live and learn. :-)

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