
Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Beyond Words

So this is a song fic to Beyond Words by Tenth Avenue North
It's mostly about Denise and Joe Jonas

~Well if you only knew the pain that I've been through~
~Since when did it become all about you~
~As you can see right from the start I've said the truth~
~And if the truth means nothing to you~
~Then what am I supposed to do? ~

“Mommy, watch me!” 6-year-old Joseph called as he raced down the street on his new bike lifting his hands off the handlebars for a few seconds at a time.
“I see you Joseph, keep your hands on the bars, you might crash.”
“Wee!” Joseph put his hands in the air. Long enough, this time, to let the wheel turn and send him crashing into a street light.
“Joseph!” Denise ran and sat next to her son pulling him onto her lap as he cried. “Oh honey, are you OK?”
“My hand hurts.” He cried. She examined his hand and saw the redness of it hitting the concrete as well as the scrapes from the small rocks on the ground. She inspected the rest of him, only finding a cut on his lip, most likely from him biting through it on the way down. She looked into his eyes and nearly burst into empathetic tears for her son.
“Come on, you’ll be fine.” She said confidently. “Let’s go get you cleaned up.”
“But what about my bike?” Joseph sniffled.
“We’ll ask daddy to come out for it, OK?” He nodded and laid his head on Denise’s shoulder. She walked the short distance to the house and sat Joseph on the kitchen counter.
“Mommy?” He asked as Denise carefully cleaned his hand.
“Hmm?” She retrieved the first aid kit from the cabinet.
“I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you when you told me not to let go.” Denise smiled placing band-aids on the worst cuts.
“I think you learned your lesson, but thank you for apologizing.” She wrapped her arms around him kissing his forehead before taking him down from the counter. “Now, why don’t you go ask your father to help you get your bike?” Joseph grinned ad nodded before running out the door. Denise chuckled as she cleaned up. Knowing that by next week her middle child would be riding his bike without his hands on the bars again.

~And I'll still love you~
~Beyond what words can say~
~I'll take your every suffering moment~
~And bring a better day~
~I'll still love you~
~More then what I hope to be~
~Let me wrap my arms around you~
~Let me take your breath away~

“Daddy, watch me!” Joseph let go of the handlebars as he coasted along the street.
“Joseph, Be careful.” Kevin Sr. called making Denise smile before through the window before going to check on the cookies in the oven. “I told you not to let go of the handlebars.” Kevin Sr. reprimanded walking into the kitchen with a sniffling Joseph in his arms. He set him on a stool at the island then went to get the first aid kit.
“I know.” Joseph said quietly as his father cleaned his scraped knee before putting a band-aid over it.
“Would a chocolate chip cookie make your knee feel better?” Denise asked putting two, fresh out of the oven, cookies on a plate in front of him. He grinned and picked up the first cookie.
“I’m going to get your bike.” Kevin Sr. mussed Joseph’s hair before leaving.
“Mommy, I think I figured something out.” Joseph said swallowing the last of his first cookie.
“What did you figure out?” Denise asked leaning on the counter across from him.
“You and daddy are pretty smart.”
“We are? How did you figure that out?”
“Well, you both told me, if I let go of the handlebars that I would crash. And both times I let go, I crashed.” Denise laughed. “So I figure, you guys are pretty smart and maybe, I should listen to you.”
“Just maybe?”
“Just maybe.” He nodded.
“At least we have the benefit of the doubt.” Denise grinned and hugged him.
“The cookies are done?” Kevin Jr. asked running into the kitchen. “Nick! Cookies are done!” Kevin Jr. yelled jumping onto a stool as Denise got two plates of cookies ready. She could hear Nicholas pounding down the stairs before seeing him slide into the kitchen.

~And every time I ask~
~You assure your doing fine~
~But your heart looks good by smiling~
~You couldn't fool mine~
~By the end of the night your pillow sits to dry~
~In a crowded room your singing~
~But on the inside you sigh~

“Joseph?” Denise asked sitting on the couch next to her son in the green room. “Are you alright”
“Yeah,” He flashed a small smile. “Just tired.” She rubbed his back.
“One more week and then vacation.” She said softly. “Yay.”
“Yeah.” He smiled again moving to lean his head on her shoulder. “Mommy,” He started. “I really miss home.”
“I know, honey.” She ran the tips of her fingers through his hair.
“Joseph, time to go on.” Kevin Sr. said poking his head through the door. Joe stood and sighed. Denise stood too.
“Relax a little, honey, you deserve it.” She hugged him quickly before he had to go to the show. Denise found her husband backstage and wrapped her arm around him. “They really need this vacation don’t they?” He asked.

~And I'll still love you~
~Beyond what words can say~
~I'll take your every suffering moment~
~And bring a better day~
~I'll still love you~
~More then what I hope to be~
~Let me wrap my arms around you~
~Let me take your breath away~

Denise and Kevin Sr. clapped along with the crowd as their boys ran off stage breathing heavily.
“Good show, boys.” Kevin said clapping Nick on the back. “Who thinks this calls for a movie night?”
“I do!” Frankie, their youngest, raised his hand excitedly.
“Works for me.” Joe shrugged.
“Why not?” Nick agreed. “As long as we get showers first.”
“Of course!” Denise cried. “I wasn’t going to let your sweaty bodies on our couch.” She grinned.
“Group hug!” Kevin Jr. called before all four boys wrapped themselves around their laughing mother.
“I guess I need a shower too now.”
“Alright, alright, lets get back to the hotel and get showers. I think it’s your mothers turn to pick.”
“Yes!” Denise threw her hands in the air as all of her sons groaned.

An hour later they boys were showered and in their pajamas at their parents door. Frankie opened the door and they raced to the couch where their parents were already sitting. Frankie sat on one side by Kevin Sr. while Joe sat by Denise. Kevin Jr. leaned against the couch by Frankie’s feet and Nick laid on the floor in front of everyone.
“So which chick flick are we watching today?” Kevin Jr. acted annoyed.
“Loves Abiding Joy.” Denise answered letting the commercials run.
“There’s more?” Joe asked. "We've already watched, like, ten of these."
“Yup, and it’s only the fourth out of six.” The boys let out a collective groan. “Shh!” The credits started to roll.

“I think we’re stuck.” Denise whispered as the screen went black. Kevin Sr. looked around at the sleeping boys sprawled on the floor, Frankie taking up most of the couch and Joe leaning on Denise’s shoulder and snoring in her ear.
“You mean you’re stuck.” Kevin grinned standing up and going to the closet. He pulled blankets and pillows out. He dropped a pillow by each of the boys heads and laid a blanket over them. “Do you want me to get you out?” He asked putting a blanket over Joe.
“No, I’m fine you go to bed.” She smiled and he leaned down to kiss her.
“Eww.” Joe whined not moving his head. His parents grinned and Denise slid out from under him.
“Shh, go back to sleep.” She said tucking the blanket around him and kissing his forehead before she and Kevin went into the bedroom.

~In a ball room there is dancing~
~In a forest there are trees~

“Joe, come sit with me.” Denise said two weeks later on the porch of their rented beach house. She patted the bench next to her. He sat down.
“Watcha doin?” He asked.
“Looking at scrapbooks.”
“Oh, I remember that.” He laughed looking at a picture of himself at 4-years-old in tap shoes and a tux.

“OK, we’re going to go backstage in just a second. What don’t we do backstage?” His teacher, Miss Jessica, asked. Joe raised his hand and waved it around. “Joe?”
“We don’t do this.” He said stomping his feet.
“That’s right.” She said. “What else don’t we do?” Darcy raised her hand. “Darcy.”
“We don’t talk.”
“Good, ready?” The whole class nodded and Miss Jessica led them down a hallway to the stage.

“I stepped on my partners toe and she cried through half of the dance.” Joe laughed. Denise joined him as she turned the page. “You got a picture of this?!” He grinned at the forest scene where he was peering around a tree and Kevin Jr. and Nick were standing in the background with paintball guns. “We ran around the forest for hours.”

“Guys . . . Come out! Mom says we have to go in.” Kevin called into the trees, gun ready to fire.
“Aw, do we have to?” Nick asked stepping out of his hiding place.
“Nope!” Kevin blasted a few paint balls his way laughing evilly.
“Cheater!” Nick yelled ducking for cover. “I give, I give!” He held his hands up in surrender.
“I am the greatest!” Kevin announced strutting around like a peacock. That’s when Joe attacked from behind his tree. His brothers didn’t have time to lift their guns before they were covered in paint.
“Who is the greatest?” Joe asked smugly emerging from his vantage point.
“You are.” Kevin said, defeated.
“That’s right, now lets go in. Mom told me she was going to make a pie cookie.”
“Yes!” Kevin punched the air and took off out of the trees.

~In a child there's a hope~
~That keeps him in belief~

Denise turned a few more pages.
“Do you remember this?” She asked pointing to a picture of the three boys in a hospital room around a little girl.
“Yeah, Chloe right?”
“Mm hmm.”
“What happened to her?” Joe asked quietly.
“The chemo worked. She’s out living a normal life now.”
“Do you remember what she told us?”
“She said that she trusted God to do whatever he wanted to do and if she died it was OK because then she would be home and if she lived she knew God was going to help her help others.” Joe paused. “I remember wishing that I could be that trusting.”
“It takes courage. You will get there someday, I can tell you that you have grown in your faith since we started.”
“Yeah.” He turned the page for her.

~With any star there is a sky~
~With any beach there's a sea~
~With any love song there's a lover~
~And in your heart I hope its...~

“Fourth of July.” He smiled.
“Mm hmm, this was the day you really met Alexandria, wasn’t it?”
“Yeah.” Joe stared at the fireworks in the picture. “She was on tour all June and I didn’t know who she was.” He chuckled to himself. “I accused her of being a nosy reporter and threatened to have her thrown out. I can’t believe how she could ever date me after that. Taylor was livid with me after I talked to her. She thought I was flirting.”

“Excuse you.” The brown haired girl muttered after Joe ran into her.
“Who are you?” He asked. She held up her camera.
“Photographer, duh.” She said.
“Reporters aren’t allowed back here, this is a family and crew. I‘m sorry but you‘ll have to go stick your nose into someone else’s business.”
“Excuse me?” She asked putting a hand on her hip.
“I can have you thrown out if you aren’t going to leave.” Joe said looking over his shoulder for security.
“Alex! There you are, I wanted to get some shots of the decorations.” Nathan, the brothers chief photographer said running up.
“Nate, She’s with you?” Joe asked, dumbfounded.
“Yeah, Joe. She’s been photographing since the beginning of June. Now we gotta go.” He lead Alex away but not before she turned back to stick her tongue out at Joe.

Denise laughed. “And 2 weeks later you two were going off to find somewhere to talk alone on the beach.” She pointed to the next picture of Joe and Alex walking away from the camera, Joe was leaning down to whisper something in Alex’s ear.
“And a month after that I had broken up with Taylor and after another month I was telling Alex I loved her.” Denise nodded.
“I remember that.” Joe looked at her questioningly.
“I told her in my room with the door closed, how do you remember that?” Denise blushed slightly.
“I might have listened and teared up outside the door when you sang her Lovebug.”
“Mom!” Joe whined.
“I couldn’t help it, my little boy had grown up so much.” She squeezed his arm.

~And I'll still love you~
~Beyond what words can say~
~I'll take your every suffering moment~
~And bring a better day~
~I'll still love you~
~More then what I hope to be~

“You’ve been turning into a young man right in front of my eyes.” She said after flipping a few more pages and sharing a few more stories.
“Thanks mom.” Denise hugged her son.
“I don‘t think I tell you and your brothers how proud I am of all of you.”
“You tell us almost every day, mom.”
“I’m just so proud. It never seems like enough.” She wiped a tear away.
“Thanks mom, I love you.” Joe put his arm around her.

~Let me wrap my arms around you~
~Let me wrap my arms around you~
~Let me wrap my arms around you~
~Let me take your breath away~

“I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you when you told me not to let go.” Denise smiled placing band-aids on the worst cuts.
“I think you learned your lesson, but thank you for apologizing.” She wrapped her arms around him kissing his forehead before taking him down from the counter.

“Well, you both told me, if I let go of the handlebars that I would crash. And both times I let go, I crashed.” Denise laughed. “So I figure, you guys are pretty smart and maybe, I should listen to you.”
“Just maybe?”
“Just maybe.” He nodded.
“At least we have the benefit of the doubt.” Denise grinned and hugged him.

“I’m just so proud. It never seems like enough.” She wiped a tear away.
“Thanks mom, I love you.” Joe put his arm around her.

The wedding march began to play and everyone stood. Joe looked down the aisle and wondered how all the oxygen had been sucked out of the room just by having his fiancé enter.

“Do you, Alexandria Marie Teller, take Joseph Adam Jonas to be your lawfully wedded husband?”
“I do.”
“Do you, Joseph Adam Jonas, take Alexandria Marie Teller to be your lawfully wedded wife?”
“I do.”
“Then by the power vested in me by the state of New Jersey and by the Wyckoff Assembly of God, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.” Joe wrapped his arms around his new wife and kissed her.

“I love you.” Joe said looking over at his wife, sitting next to him at the wedding reception.
“I love you too.” Ales replied.
“Do you want to know what I thought as you were walking down the aisle?”
“I was thinking, how breath-taking you looked. And you still look just as beautiful now.”
“Funny, I was thinking the same thing.” She smiled and kissed him.

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