
Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Dance, Dance, Dance

I got inspiration for this story from my job as a dance teacher. I was watching another teacher as she taught and I noticed her face when the kids got something and I hope my face looks like that when my kids figure something out.

“Mommy.” Frankie said walking into the kitchen where his mother was making dinner.
“Yes, sweetie?”
“I wanna dance.” He announced.
“Dance?” Denise asked not missing a beat she asked as she did with every announcement like this that one of her boys came up with me. “And how did you make that decision?”
“I was watching stuff on youtube and I wanna do tap and jazz.”
“Ok honey, I will look into it and we will see if we can find somewhere for you to try it.”
“Ok, thank you mommy.” Frankie hopped out of the kitchen and Denise started to think of any dance studios she had seen.
“Hello, welcome to Aspiration Dance Studio, my name is Amy, are you interested in a class for a little ballerina?” A teenage girl asked standing behind the desk.
“I’m Denise Jonas and actually, my son Frankie,” Denise motioned to Frankie standing next to her. “Was interested in trying class.”
“Ah a danseur, very cool. How old are you, Frankie?” Amy asked.
"And what kind of dance would you like to try?” She asked Frankie.
“Jazz and tap.”
“Awesome, well since it’s summer Frankie can take as many classes as he wants in the 6-8 age group.” Amy brought out a brochure with a schedule. “The jazz and tap classes he can take are Monday thru Thursday at 4:15. Tap on Monday and Wednesday, and jazz on Tuesday and Thursday. And since you are new here I can give you a free class to try it out to make sure you like it. Does that sound cool? Then your mom isn’t going to waste money on something you don’t like, cause if you aren’t having fun than that’s no good.”
“That is wonderful.” Denise smiled.
“Now, it’s about 3 o’clock on Monday, so that means tap starts in an hour and fifteen minutes if you wanted to take it. But, I would suggest you take this home,” She tapped the brochure. “And think about it to make sure this is what you want to do. Then you can come back tomorrow and try jazz, then you don’t need to worry about the tap shoes until you know that you really want to. In fact, for the summer you wouldn’t really need the shoes unless he really wants to make the sounds.” Denise nodded and looked over the brochure.
“So the dress code?”
“Is relaxed during the summer. Comfortable clothes he can move in. As long as he’s covered it’s pretty much ok. For shoes, he can just wear some socks for jazz and if you don’t get the tap shoes they would work for tap too. Oh, and before I forget you will be able to watch the class via our closed circuit tv.” They all looked up toward the tv screen.
“Ok, I think we are going to take your advise and take this home and come back tomorrow.”
“Alright then, I can’t wait to see you then.”
“Mom! It’s time to go!” Frankie whined.
“Patience, Franklin. We will leave in a second.”
“Leave where?” Joe asked walking through eating from a bag of chips.
“I’m going to dance.” Frankie announced. Joe started choking on his chips.
“You’re what?” He laughed.
“I’m going to do jazz.” Joe opened his mouth but his mother spoke first.
“Frankie is trying something new and I don’t want you to discourage him, is that understood?” Denise warned. “I’m going to get my purse and then we’ll leave ok honey?” Frankie nodded and Denise went upstairs.
“Look Frank, a little advise from one brother to another, dudes don’t dance.” Joe said putting a hand on Frankie’s shoulder.
“Yes they do, I saw them on youtube.” Joe sighed.
“Ok, straight guys don’t dance.”
“Oh,” Frankie’s face fell.
“Alright Frankie, lets go.” Denise said coming down the stairs and opening the door. He got in the car and they drove to the studio.
“Frankie, you came back!” Amy exclaimed. “I forgot to tell you something yesterday, I get to be your teacher.” Frankie nodded. “Hello Mrs. Jonas, this is my aunt and the owner of Aspiration, Mrs. Delilah Fawks.” Amy motioned to the woman behind the desk. “Now I think it’s about time to start, Frankie you can take your tennis shoes off in the back or leave them with your mom.” Frankie pulled his shoes off and handed them to Denise who was starting up a conversation with Delilah. “And if all of my dancers and my danseur will follow me, we will get started.” Amy never stopped smiling as she lead about seven kids down the hallway to the room.
Amy sat everyone down in the middle of the floor. “There are a few new faces so, my name is Miss Amy, there are a few girls here who have been dancing for a while so don’t get discouraged if you cant do something just try your best.” Amy ran over and started some music before she started leading the stretch.
After stretching she sent the kids to one side of the room for across the floor while she changed songs. “Why don’t we start with around the chassé?” She explained how to do them and sent the first two across the floor correcting and congratulating as they went. After everyone had gone but Frankie, she counted him off but he didn’t go. “Aren’t you going try Frankie?” He shook his head. “Aw, why not? You seemed so excited yesterday.”
“Joe said dancing is gay.” He mumbled.
“He did? Is Joe your brother?” He nodded again. “Well, trust me dancing is not gay. I know a lot of guys who dance and aren’t gay. Dance is pretty hard, most gay guys I’ve seen cant do it.” She smiled. Frankie just crossed his arms and looked away. “I have an idea, why don’t we invite Joe to try a class? You can help me write him a letter after class, ok?”
“I guess.”
“So you have to try this class so you’re that much better than him, cool?” Frankie smiled.
“Awesome.” She held up her hand for a high five and he hit it. Frankie tried his best through the rest of class and at the end after everyone got a stamp he and Amy sat for a little bit writing the letter. “So is your brothers full name Joseph?”
“Mm hm.”
"Ok.” Amy read as she wrote. “Dear Joseph, Frankie told me that you said male dancers are gay. I would like to show you it takes more than a feminine personality or figure to become a dancer. I would like to personally invite you to join Frankie’s class for a day on,” Amy stopped writing. “Should he come to tap or jazz?”
“Jazz, I’m not sure if I wanna do tap. Jazz is really cool.” She smiled.
“Ok, join Frankie’s class for a day on Thursday. I look forward to seeing you in comfortable clothes with socks. Sincerely, Miss Amy.” She signed it and folded it before handing it over to Frankie. “I can’t wait until Thursday.” Amy grinned before giving Frankie a hug and walking out to the lobby with him.
“How was it?” Denise asked she saw them.
“Mrs. Jonas, Frankie said that your son Joseph told him that dancing was gay so I gave him a letter inviting Joseph to join the class on Thursday. Don’t worry about the cost, we can afford to give out one extra class if it keeps Frankie here, he did really well.”
“You do realize Joe is 19?"
“That’s alright, it will be fun.”
“Well, that works for me.” Denise laughed. “I guess I will see you again with two sons in tow on Thursday.”
“See you then.” Amy waved as they walked out the door.
“I’m what?” Kevin and Nick burst out laughing when their mother announced Joe’s invitation at dinner.
“You are going to take Frankie’s dance class on Thursday with him.” Denise repeated herself. “Frankie almost quit the class because you told him that dancing was gay after I specifically told you not to discourage him. And you two," Nick and Kevin were still trying to control their laughter. “If you continue laughing you will both be joining him.” They immediately stopped.
“But it’s a little kid class.” Joe whined.
“Miss Amy said that she was very excited to have you.” Joe sighed.
“Is there any way to get out of this?”
“Ok.” The only sound was utensils scraping on plates for a while.
“Miss Amy sent you a note too.” Frankie said happily.
“Oh great.” Joe rolled his eyes.
Thursday Denise had successfully dragged Joe along with Frankie to Aspiration earlier than they had shown up for the last class and after being greeted by Delilah they sat down to wait. A stampede of little girls ran down the hall at 4:15 and Amy followed them smiling.
“Hey Frankie!” She grinned.
“Hi Miss Amy.”
“Hello, Mrs. Jonas. This must be Joseph.” She extended her hand.
“Yeah.” Joe stood up taking her hand. “I’m Joe.”
“The one who thinks guy dancers are all gay.” Joe smiled sheepishly and Amy turned to the rest of the kids in the lobby.
“Is everyone ready?” She started leading everyone down the hall. After directing everyone to sit in the middle she stopped for a second. “For the new faces and the forgetful ones, my name is Miss Amy. We have a visitor who is a little older than all of you but he is just learning a lesson.” She winked at Joe before she turned the music on and started the stretch. It seemed that every time Amy switched the stretch Joe was whispering some comment to Frankie and not paying attention.
“Joseph,” She kept reminding him. “If you do not pay attention I will send you out.” Even though she would have assumed he would not want to be here he was very quick to fix himself for a while. When they started going across the floor she would give him some of the harder things because he was older and more coordinated than a 6-8 year old would be.
“Why do I have to do hard stuff?” He whined.
“Because Joseph, you are older and should be more coordinated. Besides, Frankie is doing it.” She said watching as Frankie went across the floor.
“You know, Amy, you can call me Joe.”
“It’s Miss Amy, Joseph, and it’s your turn.” Joe sighed and started across the floor. At the end of class she handed out stickers and even gave one to Joe. Frankie was waiting for Joe to follow him out after they got their stickers but Joe sent him out to their mother.
“So I’m curious, do you actually not know who I am?” He leaned on the shelf the stereo was on while she picked up her bags.
“Of course I do. I had to warn my ballet class so they wouldn’t freak.”
“So you’re not a fan?”
“I’m just a really good actress.” She chuckled. “I’m a fan, I’m just not a crazed fan. Your songs are actually really good for jazz. Of course, I can’t use them while Frankie’s in the class. But that’s ok, I’ll sacrifice for having a boy in class.” She started walking out and he followed. “So have you learned you lesson? Do you still think all male dancers are gay?”
“No. This dance thing is hard.” Amy laughed.
“And that was a 6-8 beginning class.”
“Joseph, come on we’ve got to go.” Denise said.
“One sec.” He turned back to Amy. “Why don’t you come and hang out at our house, we’ve got some more brothers you could convert.”
“Sorry, I’ve got class.” She put her bags behind the counter. “Maybe another time.” She pulled a pair of socks out of her bags and came out from behind the counter. “So you’re coming back right?” She asked Frankie.“Yeah!” He said with a grin.“Great, you are catching on so fast! See you next week, and we can settle the money stuff then.” Just then a dark haired woman walked in. “Hey Kris.”
"You are awesome Amy.” Denise said. “Thank you so much.”
“No problem.”
“Ready Aims?” Kris asked making her way down the hall.
“Be right there. See you guys next week.” She waved and jogged down the hall to catch up with Kris.
“So, was that one of the Jonas guys?” Kris asked putting a cd in the stereo.
“Yeah!” Amy half-giggled-half-sighed.
“Wow, and you kept a straight face the whole time? I’m impressed.” Amy laughed.
“I’m not going to freak on him. Have you seen some of their fans. I’m embarrassed for them.” Kris laughed and they started class. After three hours of ballet, tap and jazz Amy and Kris walked down the hall laughing. At the end of the hall they both froze.
“Joe?” Amy asked. “What are you doing here it’s been three hours.”
“Um, I think I’m going to leave now, see ya Aims.” Kris said heading for the door.
“I’ll come with you.” Delilah said grabbing her purse. “Lock up will you, Amy?”
“Yeah sure.” The two women went out the door leaving Joe and Amy alone
"So do I still have to call you Miss Amy?” Joe asked making Amy smile.
“Only in class, but why are you here seriously? Three hours is a long time.”
“I wanted to see you dance. I only got a glimpse in my class.”
“Why were you interested? Most people would leave it up to their imagination.”
“Well to tell you the truth I didn’t want to stop seeing you.” Amy blushed.
“Uh huh.” She went behind the counter and grabbed her bags.
“Really, I wanted to keep seeing your face light up like it did when one of the kids got something right. I figured maybe it looked even better when you mastered something.”
“Well, thanks.”
“Can I take you out sometime?”
“Um,” She looked like a deer caught in headlights. “Um sure, I guess.”
“How about I get your number and I’ll call you.”
“Ok.” He pulled out his phone and she recited her number. He pushed a few buttons and her phone went off.
“And now you have my number.”
“Cool.” Amy smiled. “Well we should go, my roommate will be expecting me.” They walked out the door and she locked it before looking out into the parking lot. “You don’t have a ride do you?” She asked when she saw that her car was the only one in lot. He chuckled and scratched the back of his neck.
“I figured I could just take the bus or something.” Amy laughed.
“Joe Jonas, on a bus? You would shut down the public transportation system.”
“So what do you expect me to do?” Amy unlocked her car.
“Get in.” She smirked. “Maybe I’ll get a chance to convert those brothers you were talking about."