
Friday, March 27, 2009

Castles N' Coasters

So I wrote this for my friend cause when we were freshmen in high school I promised her that I would write her a story. I finished it the end of December/ beginning of January junior year. :-) Yeah, and the only reason I got it done was cause she was going to move back to Africa. (She didn't end up moving though, YAY) It was supposed to include four of her favorite things: Jonas Brothers, Roller coasters, High School Musical, and monkeys. It only has the first two though and now that I think of it, High School Musical had somewhere I could put it but oh well. I was going to have a petting zoo to put the monkeys in but I was running out of time till when she was supposed to move so I had to wrap it up.
Enjoy! :-D

“Emelia!” Anna shouted across the high school room. “You’re here early!” Emelia laughed as she went around the circle giving hugs.
“That’s because I have the most awesomest news ever!”
Awesomest?” Chea asked looking up from his phone for the first time since Emilia had come in.
“Yes, awesomest. You got a problem with that?” Emelia asked putting her hand on her hip.
“Yeah I got a problem with that.” He answered imitating her stance.
“Well you aren’t cool enough to count so…” She snapped in front of his face and the whole circle laughed.
“So what’s the awesome news?” Gem asked impatiently.
“Y’all know that Castles ‘n Coasters has been remodeling, right?” Everyone nodded. “Well, my uncle just so happens to work on the committee that decides what to do.”
“And?” Elizabeth questioned.
“And, he got us in to the V.I.P., invitation only, first time open after remodeling party!”
“So?” Kimberly looked at her like she was crazy.
“So, there will be free performances, and free food and free roller coasters.”
“Free food? I’m there.” Chea said earning a smack from Ashlyn.
“Free food and roller coasters? I’m there.” Gem agreed.
“You will never guess who they got to perform!” Emelia was practically jumping out of her skin.
“Jonas Brothers!” She and Amber went crazy screaming and jumping.
Ahh!” Steve joined them until they noticed and stopped. ”What are we screaming about?” He asked as they stared at him.
“Emelia just got us into the most amazing party ever!” Amber exclaimed.
“Oh cool, what party?”
“The remodeled Castles ‘n Coasters party. And for the rest of y’alls information they aren’t going to be the only performers there. Linkin Park is gonna be there,” Emelia turned to Anna “And David Archuleta.”
“Really?! I am there ma homie.”
“Anna, you aren’t black.” Ashlyn said fake sympathetically.
“What you talkin’ bout foo? I’m the blackest homie here!”
Ok… back on track. Who’s coming?” Hands went up around the circle.
“Wait, when is it?” Kimberly asked.
“This Friday night. 4-12. Then I figured you could all sleep over at my house and go home in the morning. Well except for you, Chea, and Jacen cause they’re guys. Y’all can come right?”
“Yeah!” Amber exclaimed. “I’ll ditch anything for this party.”
“You can come too, right Anna?” Everyone turned.
“I don’t know, I’ll have to ask my mom.”
We’ll all go ask her afterward so she can’t say no.” Amber announced. “You can’t miss this party!” Anna looked nervous but agreed. They all whispered through the sermon and as soon as they were released they went to find Mrs. Ridgeway.

“Hello, girls.” Mrs. Ridgway said as she walked up.
“Hello.” They all chorused.
“Do you think Anna could come to Castles ‘n Coasters on Friday and then sleep over at my house?” The woman thought for a while.
“I don’t see why not. As long as her homework is done.” Anna grimaced.
Yay! Thank you so much!”
“Well, we had better be going.”
“Alright, bye Anna, see you Friday!” Everyone gave her a hug and she left.
“I can’t wait till Friday now.” Amber said jumping up and down.
“I know!” Elizabeth said grabbing her hands and jumping with her.
“I know!” Emelia repeated joining them.
“What are they jumping for?” Jacen asked Kimberly as he walked up to the group.
“We’re going to the grand opening of the newly remodeled Castles ‘n Coasters.” Kimberly answered.
“You’re invited too, Jacen.” Emelia said as the three stopped jumping.
Ok, and when is this party?” He asked.
“Friday 4-12 pm.” Jacen thought a little bit.
“I guess I can make it.” He said slowly.
Yay!” They talked for a while longer before going to find their parents. Throughout the week the teens called, texted, emailed, and myspaced each other talking about Friday.

When the day finally came they met at Emelia’s house.
“Oh My Gosh I’m so excited!” Anna was almost bouncing as they waited in Emelia’s living room for the ride her uncle was supposed to send.
Geez Anna, calm down.” Chea said patting her shoulder.
“Why? It’s so exciting! Free concerts, free food, free, like, everything!” Elizabeth melodramatically exclaimed.
“Emelia, your uncle is here.” Emelia’s mom called and everyone made their way outside. The girls looked at the car waiting for them in shock.
“It’s . . . a . . . limo.” Ashlyn said in astonishment just before the other girls broke out in screams. The two boys covered their ears.
“I love you!” Emelia screeched hugging her uncle.
“Alright, alright. You all should get in or we are going to be late.” He said opening the door of the limo. Everyone piled in and immediately started talking about the limo or the party. I could write down all of their conversations but that would be seven or more pages of the ten conversations that went on in the 12 minute drive. So instead I will just say that when the teens stepped out of the limo onto the red carpet Castles n’ Coasters had rolled out (Which they later discussed and thought it was way over the top.) they were all much more excited than they had been when they got into the limo and Emelia’s uncle, Jacen and, Chea were much more confused. The teens walked in twos down the carpet, the couples, Kimberly and Jacen and Ashlyn and Chea, walked together then Anna and Elizabeth and Amber and Emelia. They walked into the arcade and their jaws dropped. The interior had been completely changed. There were multi-colored strobe lights going and the carpeting and layout were almost entirely different excepting the circular dip in the center of the room which was still there but was now a lounge.
“Emelia!” Her uncle called and then lead the group out the door to the park. “You all can do anything you want as long as you meet me here at 11:45, ok?” The teens nodded their heads. “Ok, have fun.” They immediately took off into the small crowd.
“What should we do first?” Ashlyn asked.
“Tag the walls.” Her boyfriend, Chea, said earning himself a slap while everyone else laughed.
“How about the Patriot?” Gem suggested and the group moved towards the back of the park.
“Are we the only kids here?” Anna asked as they walked straight to the front of the non-existent line.
“No.” A heavily accented voice said. “I am Lee.” They all turned to see an Asian boy who looked around their age.
“I’m, Anna. Where are you from?” Anna asked slowly earning a slap from Amber.
“Minnesota.” He answered losing all trace of the accent. Everyone but Anna laughed. “Sorry kid. I never miss a chance to pull that one.”
“Who are you calling ‘kid’?” She crossed her arms and shifted backwards no longer embarrassed. Emelia and Ashlyn ‘ooh’ed and waited for Lee’s answer.
“Well I kind of assumed since . . .” He motioned to show her height.
“Hey, we’re all vertically challenged.” Amber defended.
“It’s fun-sized.” Kimberly corrected. “We’re fun-sized.” The three boys laughed.
“On that note, I’m Emelia.” She said extending her hand and starting a chain reaction.
“Elizabeth.” Lee shook each of their hands.
“And you’re Anna, right?” He extended his hand to her. She glared at it for a while before shaking it.
“Yeah.” Now she glared at him.
“Cool,” He said uncomfortably. “I probably wont remember many of your names but I’ll try.” They laughed as he kept glancing back at Anna who was still glaring. “So how did you guys get into the party?”
“My uncle worked on the renovation committee.” Emelia explained.
“How did you get in?” Anna asked accusingly, as if he snuck in.
“My parents were the head contacts for the new ice rink.”
“That’s awesome! Maybe we’ll go there next. Do you want to hang out with us?” Emelia offered.
“Cool.” They all climbed onto the roller coaster.
“Ya’ll good?” The coaster operator asked.
“Wait!” Everyone turned and saw the Jonas Brothers running toward the ride. “Mind if we join you?” Everyone nodded and they scrambled to get in. Joe and Kevin to a seat and Nick in the empty seat next to Amber. When the ride was over they were all laughing at Joe, Lee and Emelia who started almost everyone screaming even though the Patriot was the most baby of a coaster in the whole park.
“I guess we should introduce ourselves. I’m Kevin.”
“I’m Nick.”
“We know!” Emelia and Amber exclaimed. “We love you guys!” The brothers laughed.
“Thanks.” Nick said. Everyone else introduced themselves then Joe stumbled backwards.
“Too . . . Many . . . Names . . . Too . . . Much . . . Brain power.” His brothers rolled their eyes as some of the girls laughed.
“That’s what I thought, maybe we should just split up the names and each of us remember a few.” Lee suggested bringing everyone to laughter.
“So what are we doing next?”
“Let’s go on the swing ride.” Gem suggested.
“I thought we were going ice skating.” Jacen stated and Gem pouted.
“Why don’t we go on the ride on the way they moved it, it’s near the path to the new part of the park.”
“The swing ride it is.” Emelia said.
“Cool.” Nick said smiling at her.
“Let’s go!” She hooked arms with the nearest two people, which was Lee and Nick, and started skipping off toward the new section of the park. Anna, Amber and Elizabeth hooked arms with Joe and Kevin and followed. The rest followed, walking.
“Do you mind if I join you?” A boy looking a lot like David Archuleta walked up and asked. And from Anna’s reaction everyone assumed it was him.
“Yeah of course!” Anna agreed quickly.
Shouldn’t we ask his name first Anna?” Ashlyn asked.
“Oh, yeah.” She blushed.
“I’m David.” He said.
“I’m Anna.”
“She’s a big fan.” Emelia said nudging her and earning a glare. “I’m Emelia.” Again everyone said their own names and again the new-comer commented on how many of them there were. They went on the ride and then started the walk to the ice rink.
“Looks like we’re the,” Amber counted heads. “10th, 11th, 12th, 13th and 14th wheels.” She said to Elizabeth, Gem, Kevin and Joe. They looked around and saw Kimberly and Jacen walking together, Ashlyn and Chea together. Anna and David were becoming fast friends and Emelia, Lee, and Nick were hanging pretty close together.
“Emelia seems really popular.” Elizabeth said making Amber and even Gem giggle.
“Hopefully neither of those two will be horribly devastated if she chooses the other.” Kevin said.
“I don’t know, with Emelia making the choice she might chose neither.” Amber said and they walked in silence a while watching the couples.
“Tag! You’re it!.” Gem said shoving Joe and taking off running. The other four ran away before he even understood what happened. He grinned and ran up to the trio.
“You’re it!” He screamed pushing Nick into the others. Emelia laughed as Joe ran off.
“Don’t you laugh.” Nick grinned tapping her shoulder. “You’re it.” He ran.
“Oh, no he didn’t.” She said laughing as Lee ran too. By this time everyone in the group had heard about the game and they were all running. When they got to the ice rink they paused the game to get the skates on and then continued on the ice. By the time they had all spent an hour on the ice they were all ‘tag’ed out and decided to move on. After removing their skates they walked outside.
“What else did they put in?” Gem asked nodding to the large building next to the rink.
“Um, I’m not sure, maybe it’s the movie theater. I’m not sure if they actually put one in but they were talking about it for a while.” Emelia guessed. The group walked into the building and found a theater like Emelia had suggested.
“Oh, My, Gosh!” Anna exclaimed. “Twilight!”
“Yes!” The girls raced into the theater. The boys followed them in.
“You do realize there’s like a half an hour before it starts right?” Chea asked.
“So? We can hang out until it starts.” Ashlyn said.
“I’m gonna go get something to eat.” Gem said.
“I’ll go with you.” Amber said.
“Oh, me too!” The three started walking out. “You guys do have money for me right?” Everyone laughed. When they got back, each with two buckets of popcorn they each dumped one on the row.
“What was that for?!” Kimberly asked picking popcorn out of her hair.
“The snacks are free!” Gem half screamed.
“Free food!” Joe yelled racing out of his seat. Some others went to get food while the rest talked.
“Looks like we’re not alone.” Amber said quietly when a group of teens walked in and flirted the whole way up the stairs to sit in the back row.
OMG. This party is like the greatest thing since sliced bread.” One girl said.
LOL. I know free Twilight, what’s better?” Another girl said without laughing out loud. The girls rolled their eyes as they went to their seats.
OMG. Can you believe we got into this movie? It is so packed!” Elizabeth said loudly making their group snicker as the other row glared.
LOL. I know, Edward Cullen is SO hawt! He‘s the greatest thing since canned ham.” Emelia said in her best valley-girl voice.
OMG. Don’t give me that popcorn! You know it has like 10 million calories in it, right?” Anna said grinning when David tried handing her the bucket of popcorn. She passed it on down the line but not before subtly taking a handful.
LOL. Popcorn will give you zits and you’ll be as ugly and fat as Barbie.” Amber joined.
Omg. What beyotches.” One of the girls said as the whole group stood to leave.
Omg. I’m so not a blond bimbo of a valley-girl.” Emelia imitated as she smacked her gum and pretended to twirl her hair, looking straight at the girl. As soon as they were gone everyone burst out laughing.
“That was awesome!” Joe exclaimed.
“Shh!” All of the girls said. “The movie’s starting.” The boys all laughed again until they were shushed again.
“I am so confused.” Jacen said as they all walked out.
“You haven’t read the book, you would be confused.” Kimberly explained. He just shook his head.
“What should we do next?” Nick asked.
“You guys have to perform at some point, don’t you?” Anna asked, mostly to David but Nick answered.
“Yeah but not until 10:30.” Amber looked at her watch.
“So we’ve got about 2 hours.” She said.
“Who wants to go on the carousel?” Emelia asked almost bouncing. Most of the girls agreed while most of the guys groaned but went when they were pulled. They spent the next hour riding rides and making fun of the other group of teens whenever they saw them.

“I’m hungry.” Chea stated after they had gotten off Desert Storm for the fifth time.
“Me too.” Joe and Lee said.
“Me three, lets get some food.” Emelia said taking her spot between Nick and Lee again and pulling them to the new food court. Everyone got something, mostly hamburgers and French fries, and pushed some tables together. Couples sat across from each other and the five extra wheels took the end of the combined tables. After a while of eating and joking Emelia and Nick disappeared from the table and the extra wheels stopped their fry throwing contest to watch them across the food court.
“I’m sorry, Nick but I’m just too madly in love with you to want anything to do with Lee. I don’t think we can be friends with him.” Joe said melodramatically in a high voice earning a barrage of French fries.
“No it’s more like ‘Oh Nick-’”
“Shh! They’re coming back.” The five turned back to each other way too fast to look normal.
“If ya’ll are done gossiping . . .” Emelia said grinning. The three girls stuck their tongues out at her.
“Oh boys!” A woman gasped running up. “There you are!” You have fifteen minutes before you have to be back onstage.”
“Sorry, Mrs. DeAnder. We lost track of time.” Kevin said as the four performers stood.
“Oh, it’s quite alright, just, come quickly.” They waved back at the table as they followed the woman away.
“So . . . What now?” Amber asked. “We have fifteen minutes.”
“Why don’t we go and get front row spots?” Kimberly suggested. They agreed and after cleaning up their tables they started walking to the stage. The girls all gravitated toward Emelia and pulled her away from Lee.
“So . . .” Anna said.
“So, what?” Emelia asked innocently. Amber slapped her arm.
“You know what! What happened with Nick?”
“Oh!” She acted as if it had just dawned on her. “Well he pulled me away and asked me if I wanted to exchange numbers and stuff. I said ‘sure’ and then said that I wasn’t into him as a boyfriend type way but I still wanted to be his friend. And he was cool with it.”
Aww!” The girls squealed.
“So you like Lee?” Elizabeth asked.
“Maybe.” They ‘aww’ed louder. “And what about you little miss Archuleta?” Anna blushed. “I saw you two split off for a while there.”
“He asked for my number.” She said shyly. Another ‘aww’ went up.
“Ladies and gentlemen! We have a special performance by some of the hottest artists of the moment coming up in five minutes in the stage area.” The speakers blared and the girls merged back with the guys to talk. “And now, the moment you have been waiting for! To start our show, David Archuleta!” The now huge crowd screamed. Which was somewhat unsettling as most of the crowd was made up of 20-30 year-olds.
“Hi, I’m David Archulta.” More screams. I hope you all had a fun time tonight. I’m sure I did.” Even more screams. “I would like to dedicate this first song to a special girl I met tonight.” David said as the intro to Crush started. Al the girls turned and grinned at a blushing Anna. He did a few more songs after Crush all the while looking at Anna. “So that’s it for me tonight, I hope you had fun listening cause I had a lot of fun playing.” The crowd sighed. “But, now the Jonas Brothers are going to come entertain you!” The brothers walked onstage to even more screams which weren’t quite as creepy because Kevin was older but still not cool. They each gave David a man-hug and he left.
“Hello!” Joe yelled into his microphone. The screams got louder. “Guess what!” Half of the audience screamed ‘what?’ and the other half just screamed. “None of us found our true love tonight,” Joe grinned at Anna as the crowd ‘aww’ed. “But we would like to dedicate this song to our new group of friends.” They started playing That’s Just the Way We Roll. During Burnin’ Up Joe reached his hands out over the audience and Anna, Emelia, Elizabeth and Amber reached for him and screamed sarcastically. When he touched Amber he let a paper drop into her hand. She got the attention of everyone else and opened the note.
‘If you aren’t that into Linkin’ Park, meet us at the mini-golf after our set. P.S. David’s coming too, Anna.’ Everyone laughed as Anna blushed then started to figure out who wanted to go and who would stay. It took a while but they finally turned back to the concert after deciding that Ashlyn, Chea, Kimberly, and Jacen would stay while everyone else went. After the brothers were finished they introduced Linkin’ Park and left the stage. Lee, Emelia, Elizabeth, Anna, Gem and Amber wove their way out of the crowd and toward the mini-golf.

“You came!” Joe said almost sounding surprised.
“Most of us.” Amber corrected. They talked and joked until the concert was over and the other four joined them.
“Aw, we only have fifteen minutes till we have to meet my uncle.” Emelia pouted.
“Well we should get started exchanging numbers if we’re going to be finished by then.” Lee joked. But everyone agreed and they started a cycle so everyone who wanted got everyone’s numbers and emails and myspaces.
“Looks like time‘s up.” Gem said looking at Emelia’s uncle walking toward the meeting spot. Everyone hugged each other and promised to call or message and the boys walked them to Emelia’s uncle for one last good bye.

“Did you all have fun?” Emelia’s uncle asked as they climbed into the limo.
“Definitely!” “Yes.” “Yeah!” And more agreements went up as the limo pulled out of the parking lot. They all started reminiscing and by the time they got back to Emelia’s house the girls were ready for bed.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


This is my story blog, I'm going to post stories from time to time. Oneshots, multi-chapters, what ever is finished and they are going to whatever I want to do them on. They might be original works or fan fictions. The fanfics could be anything from Jonas Brothers to Harry Potter. I'm not gonna hold back any story cause I think it's stupid (Unless it has something really wrong with it) And I'm not gonna hold back cause my friends would make fun of me for it. So you guys are getting the complete straight forward me that my friend don't get to see. Have fun :-)